Well, you see, them iced tea spoons is somethin’ folk use when drinkin’ them fancy cold teas in tall glasses. Now, I ain’t one to be drinkin’ iced tea all the time, but I’ve seen them folks who do. They got these real long, skinny spoons, ’bout the size of a branch, and they use ’em to stir up sugar or honey or whatever else they like to sweeten their drink with. It’s kind of like what we do with regular spoons for hot tea, but these ones, they’re extra long ’cause the glass is tall.

Back in the day, these spoons were known as parfait spoons, folks used ’em for ice cream, floats, and such. I reckon that’s why they’re so long—helps folks reach to the bottom of the glass without gettin’ their hands sticky. I’ve seen ’em used for sundaes, malts, and even shakes. It’s like havin’ one spoon for all them sweet treats!
Now, in the old days, England was all about their tea. They even made the teaspoon for addin’ sugar to tea and stirrin’ it. Them English folks, they had a thing for tea, what with all that fancy sugar comin’ in from the colonies. But for iced tea, especially over here in America, the iced tea spoon took over. You can find ’em all over—some made of stainless steel, others real fancy lookin’, with all kinds of designs. I reckon some folks even collect ’em, like they do with teacups or plates.
When folks set the table for iced tea, you’ll see the spoon sittin’ right there beside the glass, on the right side. But once you use it, it don’t go back on the table. Nah, you just leave it in the glass or set it aside, no one wants a sticky mess on their tablecloth, right?
Iced tea spoons ain’t just for tea neither. I’ve seen ’em used for all kinds of drinks—milkshakes, cocktails, floats, and even them fancy coffees like lattes. They got a long handle so you can stir things up real good, without havin’ to worry ’bout your fingers gettin’ all messy. I suppose that’s why they’re so popular in all them shops like Wayfair and Target. You can get ’em in all kinds of prices too. Some real cheap, others costin’ a pretty penny. But in the end, it’s just a spoon, right?
If you’re lookin’ to buy one, there’s all kinds of places sellin’ ’em. Some folks like the hand-stamped ones, make ’em feel a bit more special, I guess. Others just want plain ol’ stainless steel, strong and sturdy for everyday use. Either way, if you’re drinkin’ iced tea in them tall glasses, you best have one of these spoons handy.

So, if you ever decide to have yourself a glass of iced tea, don’t forget to get you one of them iced tea spoons. It might not seem like a big deal, but it sure does make stirrin’ that sugar or honey a whole lot easier. Plus, with all the designs and choices out there, you can even get one that matches your style. Who would’ve thought a spoon could be so fancy, huh?
iced tea, iced tea spoons, long handle spoons, stainless steel spoons, parfait spoons, drinkware, stirring spoons, summer drinks, kitchen utensils