Well, let me tell ya ’bout this here drink, black tea milk and honey. It ain’t nothin’ fancy, mind you, just plain good stuff, the kind that warms ya up inside and makes ya feel right.

First off, ya gotta get yerself some black tea. Now, I ain’t talkin’ ’bout none of that fancy-pants tea with all them flowery names. Just plain ol’ black tea, the kind ya can find at any store. They call some of it “English Breakfast” or somethin’, but it’s all the same to me. You just get that tea and boil some water, ya hear?
Then ya pour that hot water over the tea and let it sit for a bit. Don’t go rushin’ it, let it steep good. That’s how ya get all the flavor out. I like mine strong, so I let it sit a good long while. Some folks say don’t make it too strong, but I say, to each their own.
- Boil water
- Add tea bags or leaves
- Let it steep
Now, for the milk. Some folks use that fancy cream, but I just use regular milk. Whole milk, if ya got it, makes it nice and creamy. But any milk will do, even that skim milk stuff, if that’s all ya got. Pour in as much as ya like, ain’t no right or wrong way to do it. Just make it how ya like it.
And here’s the secret, the thing that makes it special: honey. Not that fake sugar stuff, but real honey, the kind the bees make. That stuff is good for ya, ya know. Keeps ya healthy, or so they say. And it tastes a whole lot better than that white sugar, let me tell ya. Stir in a spoonful or two, or however much ya want. If ya like it sweet, put in a lot. If not, put in a little. It’s up to you, see?
Honey in tea, that ain’t just for sweetness, ya know. It’s supposed to be good for ya. Keeps ya from gettin’ sick, they say. And it makes the tea go down smooth. I always put a little honey in my tea, especially when I’m feelin’ under the weather.

Some folks say ya gotta drink your tea plain, without no milk or nothin’. But I say, that’s just silly. Milk and honey makes it taste so much better. And it don’t take away from the tea bein’ good for ya. You still get all them things that are supposed to be healthy for ya, even with the milk and honey. They call ‘em “anti-somethin’s,” I think. Anyways, they’re supposed to be good for ya.
Now, some folks might try to tell ya that ya gotta use a special kind of tea for this. They might say ya gotta use green tea or some other fancy kind. But I say, black tea is the best. It’s got that strong flavor that stands up to the milk and honey. It’s the kind of tea that makes ya feel awake and alive. Green tea is alright, I guess, but it ain’t got the same kick.
And don’t ya go thinkin’ ya gotta buy some fancy honey, either. Just plain ol’ honey is fine. The kind ya find at the farmers market is the best, if ya ask me. But any honey will do, as long as it’s real honey and not that fake stuff. You can tell the difference, ya know. Real honey has that good, strong flavor. The fake stuff just tastes like sugar water.
So there ya have it. Black tea milk and honey. It ain’t nothin’ complicated, just good, plain, honest drink. It’s good for when yer tired, good for when yer cold, good for when yer just feelin’ like ya need somethin’ warm and comforting. It’s a soothing and comforting drink. Ya just mix the tea, the milk, and the honey, and there ya go. Best drink in the world, if ya ask me.
And don’t let nobody tell ya different. Some folks might try to make it all fancy, with their special teas and their special honeys and their special ways of makin’ it. But I say, the best way to make it is the simple way. Just tea, milk, and honey. That’s all ya need.

So go on and try it. Ya might just find ya like it. And if ya don’t, well, more for me, I always say. You can even put fruit in it if you want. I don’t usually, but some folks do. Makes it all fancy-like. But like I said, plain is best for me.
And that’s all there is to it. Black tea, milk, and honey. Simple as that. Now go on and make yourself a cup, and you’ll see what I mean.